Background of the review

As part of our commitment to becoming an anti-racist organisation, in April 2022, we commissioned Leeds Beckett University (LBU) to conduct a piece of research into increasing the engagement of children and young people from *minoritised ethnic communities across our Youth in Mind services.

The research was undertaken by Dr. Erika Laredo and Shirleecia Ward from LBU in partnership with a team of young people aged 15 to 25 from Bradford District Care Foundation Trust’s Young Dynamos Research Advisory and Involvement Group.


*Minoritised ethnic communities

This term refers to racial and ethnic groups that are in a minority in the UK population. It covers all ethnic groups except White British. For example, it includes Black, Asian and Mixed race groups and white minority ethnic groups such as Polish or Gypsy, Roma and Irish Traveller.

We had a clear mission for the research

To understand how to make our services more accessible and effective for children and young people from minoritized ethnic communities. LBU and the Young Dynamos conducted the research by interviewing Youth in Mind providers, children, young people and schools. They talked about experiences accessing and getting support, gaps in support, areas of good practice and suggestions for improvement.

On completion of the research, LBU produced a report; Increasing Engagement of Children and Young People from Minoritised Ethnic Backgrounds outlining findings and making key recommendations to build on the strengths of the programme and drive forward positive change. 

Read the full report (28 pages)

Read the summary findings (2 pages)

We held an event with researchers Dr Erika Laredo and Shirleecia Ward to present their key findings. 


The event was attended by partners from across the district, including CAMHS, the Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership, the Centre for Mental Health and voluntary and community sector providers. During the event, we came together to discuss difficult topics, encourage reflection, share the learning of the report and explore next steps.


The Young Dynamo’s presented and talked about their involvement in the project


The event helped garner excitement and buy-in from the attendees, and an eagerness to foster new connections and be involved in broader pieces of work to address systemic problems. The event enabled a meaningful exchange of current best practice and areas for development across our organisations and a commitment from all to work together to implement positive change.   



Our first action since the launch event has been creating this webpage as a resource for other organisations to learn from.

We will be keeping this page updated and documenting our transformation journey, progress made and celebrating campaigns and events we are supporting.

Our second action is the production of a plan translating the report recommendations into action.

We will be hosting a follow up event in 2023 to look over our Youth Voice work and our progress with the Minoritised Ethnic Engagement report recommendations. We will be working with our partners and communities to develop the action plan.


Would you like to get involved?

We would love to hear from children and young people, parent/guardians, bloggers, social media influencers, people who work with children and young people, and anyone who is interested in and passionate about this work!

If you’d like to get involved and have your voice heard you can contact our Youth in Mind Programme Manager Ryan Walsh: [email protected]


As well as this piece of research we also have an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy that is used by our entire organisation: 

Mind in Bradford’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Mind in Bradford are an independent mental health charity that is affiliated with National Mind. You can read about National Mind’s ambitions to become a truly anti-racist organisation here: 

National Mind’s strategy to become a truly anti-racist organisation


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