Volunteers’ Week Blog 3: Jayne

Jayne writes about her experiences befriending and how valuable it is to both her and her befriendee.

My own self confidence boosted knowing I have helped a person, from befriending them on the telephone. A thank you from that person is such a great reward for me and means a lot. 

I also feel I have helped that person in some way in their personal life. As we all know it’s been a tough year with the lockdown rules and one of the simplest everyday tasks was restricted – i.e. meeting up with people that were not in your household. And many people became isolated. So, I feel someone to talk to is important in a person’s life.

I am developing my counselling skills by starting a counselling degree. Befriending has helped me to learn listening skills.

Mind in Bradford have been a great friendly team as a whole – I can’t thank them enough for allowing me to volunteer for them. 

Posted on: 3rd June 2021