Baking for mental health

How can baking for mental health make a difference to my wellbeing?

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety now impacts many of us. The demands of work, personal life, and the constant bombardment of information can take a toll on our mental wellbeing. While there are various strategies to cope with these challenges, baking for mental health can be an unexpected remedy!

Explore our five top reasons for baking for mental health.

baking for mental health - cupcakes

1. Mindfulness and focus

Baking requires your full attention, from measuring ingredients to following precise instructions. This focus on the present moment is a form of mindfulness, which has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall mental wellbeing. Try and immerse yourself in the process of baking, and let worries about the past or future fade into the background. Concentrate on the texture of the dough, the smell of the vanilla extract, or the rhythm of stirring. This meditative quality of baking can be incredibly calming.

2. Find creative expression when baking for mental health

Baking is a creative outlet that allows you to experiment with flavours, textures, and designs. Whether you are crafting intricate cupcakes, decorating biscuits, or developing your own signature bread recipe, the act of creating something from scratch can boost your self-esteem and create a sense of accomplishment.

3. Sensory stimulation

The sensory experience of baking can be incredibly therapeutic. You can touch and feel the ingredients, observe the transformation of raw components into a creation, and enjoy the results with your sense of taste and smell. This sensory stimulation can be especially beneficial for those dealing with sensory processing issues or conditions like anxiety. It provides a gentle way to connect with the world around you.

4. Find social connection through baking for mental health

Baking can be a social activity, allowing you to connect with friends, family, or even strangers who share your passion for the kitchen. Spending time with loved ones while baking can strengthen your social bonds and create positive memories. Even if you bake alone, the joy of giving someone a homemade gift can create a deep sense of connection and happiness.

5. Bake difference

Create opportunities to check-in with one another whilst raising vital funds for your local mental health charity. You could organise a bake sale at work or in your community. Did you know 87p out of every £1 we receive from fundraising is spent on charitable work!

Collect donations via cash, bank transfer or set-up a JustGiving page here

Here are your resources to set your event up:

Bake a difference – Poster template

Bake a difference – Bunting

Bake a difference – Bake labels

Recipe – Salted Caramel Brownies

Recipe – Raspberry Flapjacks

Recipe – Cheese Twists

Posted on: 26th September 2023

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