Five Actions Towards Race Equality
This week (3rd – 9th February 2025) is Race Equality Week, a UK-wide campaign led […]
Sometimes we hear about books and online resources which people have found useful during their recovery and want to share with others.
The following is a list of their recommendations but please note that these are not endorsed in any way by our staff or practitioners and they may not represent the views of Bradford District and Craven Mind. Also, be careful what you choose to view as some of the content may be triggering. It might cause an unpleasant emotion or distress.
If you have a resource that has helped you which we can add to this webpage for others please let us know.
Bradford District and Craven Mind is not responsible for, nor accepts, any liability for the features of these third-party resources, including content, performance, accuracy, security, privacy or availability. Always check terms and conditions of websites and apps before downloading.
How to Master Anxiety: All You Need to Know to Overcome Stress, Panic Attacks, Trauma, Phobias, Obsessions and More (Human Givens Approach) by Ivan Tyrrell and Joe Griffin
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action by Susan Jeffers
We’re all mad here: The no-nonsense guide to living with social anxiety by Claire Eastham
The Complete CBT Guide to Anxiety by Roz Shafran, Lee Brosan, et al
Anxiety Warrior (Twitter @BeagleandMe)
Anxiety UK (Twitter @AnxietyUK, Facebook @AnxietyUK)
AnnaLisa Scott (Twitter @TheWorryGames, Facebook @WorryPage)
Jodi Aman (Twitter @JodiAman, Facebook @JodiAmanLove)
No Panic (Twitter @CharityNoPanic, Facebook @CharityNoPanic)
Anxiety Slayer (Blog –
Relief from Anxiety (Blog –
Beautiful Voyager (Blog –
Anxiety UK (
No Panic (
Beat Panic App (£0.99); help to guide you through a panic attack. Apple App Store only.
The Girl with the Curly Hair – Asperger’s and Me by Alis Rowe
Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism by Dr Barry M Prizant and Tom Fields-Meyer
The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome by Tony Attwood.
Autism Adulthood: Strategies and Insights for a Fulfilling Life by Susan Senator and John Elder Robison
I Think I Might Be Autistic: A Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Self-Discovery for Adults by Cynthia Kim
National Autistic Society (Twitter @Autism, Facebook @NationalAutisticSociety)
Autism Society (Twitter @AutismSociety)
Autism Alliance (Twitter @Autism_Alliance, Facebook
Autism Speaks (Blog –
Alex Lowery (Blog –
National Autistic Society (
Autism Alliance (
Wondermoms (Blog & resources for parents of children with intellectual disabilities –
Bipolar Disorder – The Ultimate Guide by Sarah Owen and Amanda Saunders
Bipolar II Disorder Workbook: Managing Recurring Depression, Hypomania, and Anxiety by Stephanie McMurrich Roberts and Louisa Grandin Sylvia
An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison and Andrew Solomon
A Beginner’s Guide to Losing Your Mind: My road to staying sane, and how to navigate yours by Emily Reynolds
Bipolar Disorder: The Ultimate Guide by Sarah Owen and Amanda Saunders
Bipolar UK (Twitter @BipolarUK, Facebook @BipolarUK)
International Bipolar Foundation (Twitter @IntlBipolar)
The Bipolar Doc (Twitter @Doc_Bipolar)
Nicole Carman (Twitter @ItsNicoleCarman)
BP Hope (Blog –
Bipolar Happens (Blog –
Natasha Tracy (Blog –
Bipolar UK (
Time To Change (
The Compassionate Mind: A New Approach to Life’s Challenges by Paul Gilbert
Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal: Questions, Prompts, and Colouring Pages for a Brighter, Happier Life by Lori Deschene
The mindful path to self-compassion by Christopher Germer
Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness by Sharon Salzberg
Learning to Love Yourself by Gay Hendricks
There Is Nothing Wrong with You: Going Beyond Self-Hate by Huber Cheri
The Compassionate Mind Workbook by Elaine Beaumont and Chris Irons
Dr Kristin Neff (Twitter @Self-Compassion, Facebook @SelfCompassion)
Aloe Bud (Twitter @AloeBud, Facebook @AloeBud)
Tiny Buddha (Twitter @TinyBuddha, Facebook @TinyBuddha)
Action for Happiness (Twitter @ActionHappiness, Facebook @ActionforHappiness)
Self-Compassion (
Tiny Buddha (
Action for Happiness (
Depression is a Liar: It IS possible to recover and be happy again – even if you don’t believe it right now by Danny Barker
The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris
The Mindful Way through Depression by Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal and Jon Kabat-Zinn
Reasons to stay alive by Matt Haig
Overcoming Depression – Get Happy Again: The Self-Help Workbook for Understanding Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks by Matthew Parker
The Blurt Foundation (Twitter @BlurtAlerts, Facebook @BlurtItOut)
Depression Army (Twitter @DepressionArmy)
Rethink Depression (Twitter @RethinkDep)
Wing of Madness (Blog –
The Mental Elf (Blog –
Mind – (
The Blurt Foundation (
Mood Gym online self-help programme for anxiety and depression £25.20 pa ( )
Hope with Eating Disorders by Lynn Crilly
Overcoming Binge Eating: The Proven Program to Learn Why You Binge and How You Can Stop by Christopher G Fairburn
Stand Tall Little Girl: Facing Up to Anorexia by Hope Virgo
Brain over Binge: Why I Was Bulimic, Why Conventional Therapy Didn’t Work, and How I Recovered for Good by Kathryn Hansen
Beat Eating Disorders (Twitter @BeatED, Facebook @Beat.Eating.Disorders)
Beat Eating Disorders (Blog –
Angie Viets (Blog –
Recovery Warriors (Blog –
Beat Eating Disorders (
The Tao of Fully Feeling: Harvesting forgiveness out of blame by Pete Walker
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk
Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A guide and map for recovering from childhood trauma by Pete Walker
The Choice: A true story of hope by Edith Eger
How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse by JH Simon
Healing Your Emotional Self: A Powerful Program to Help You Raise Your Self-esteem, Quiet Your Inner Critic, and Overcome Your Shame by Beverly Engel.
Families and How to Survive Them by John Cleese and Robin Skynner
The Emotionally Absent Mother: A Guide to Self-Healing and Getting the Love You Missed by Jasmin L Cori
Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect by Jonice Webb
Healing the Child Within by Charles L Whitfield
Healing the shame which binds you by John Bradshaw
The Lily Project (Blog –
Time To Change (Blog –
Healthy Place (Blog –
Stop Thinking, Start Living: Discover Lifelong Happiness by Richard Carlson
Reinventing Your Life: The Breakthrough Program To End Negative Behaviour And Feel Great Again by Jeffrey E. Young and Klosk
Embracing Your Inner Critic by Hal Stone and Sidra Stone
Mind (Twitter @MindCharity, @MindinBradford, Facebook @MindForBetterMentalHealth, @MindinBradford
TimeToChange (Twitter @TimeToChange, Facebook @TimeToChange
Matt Haig (Twitter @MattHaig1)
Hattie Gladwell (Twitter @ hatttiegladwell)
Heads Together (Twitter @Heads_Together, Facebook @HeadsTogetherCampaign)
Mind (
Rethink (
The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness by Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness for Dummies by Shamash Alidina
Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness in Plain English by Henepola Gunaratana
The Mindfulness Revolution: Leading Psychologists, Scientists, Artists, and Spiritual Teachers on the Power of Mindfulness in Daily Life by Barry Boyce
A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook by Bob Stahl and Elisha Goldstein
Full catastrophe living (how to cope with stress, pain and illness using mindfulness meditation) by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Heal Thy Self (lessons on mindfulness in medicine by Saki Santorelli
Mindfulness for Life by Oli Doyle
Everyday Mindfulness (Twitter @MindfulEveryday)
Mindful (Twitter @MindfulOnline, Facebook @Mindfulorg)
Andy Puddicombe (Twitter @Andypuddicombe, Facebook @AndyPuddicombe)
Tiny Buddha (Blog –
Be Mindful (
Be Mindful Online Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Course (£30)
Free Mindfulness (
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course
Insight Timer App: guided & non-guided Meditations, Talks & Music
Calm Harm App: to help people resist or manage the urge to self-harm
Headspace meditation app (paid £9.99 pcm). If you sign up to Anxiety UK’s membership scheme, you get this for free
Because We Are Bad: OCD and a Girl Lost in Thought by Lily Bailey
Break Free from OCD: Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with CBT by Dr Fiona Challacombe and Dr. Victoria Bream Oldfield et al
Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by David Veale and Rob Willson
Hope with OCD: A self-help guide to obsessive- compulsive disorder for parents, carers and sufferers by Lynn Crilly
OCD Action (Twitter @OCDAction, Facebook @OCDAction
OCD UK (Twitter @OCDUK, Facebook @OCDUK
Time to Change (Blog –
OCD Stories (Blog –
OCD Action (
This week (3rd – 9th February 2025) is Race Equality Week, a UK-wide campaign led […]
We are delighted to win an award for ‘The Most Outstanding and Supportive Learning Environment’ […]
Uzma is one of our longest-serving members of staff having worked at Bradford District and […]
Support for young people’s mental health has been given a huge boost across Bradford district, […]